So I started playing a couple of new games to pass the time and as a way to stop playing was getting to be too much money for me. I still wanted to play some games but I wanted them to be free-to-play or at least buy once and done. The new games that I started to play are: Minecraft, League of Legends, Warcraft III, and finally Vindictus. I'll give a very brief overview of the games
For anyone who doesn't know what this game is, its pretty much a sandbox game. The basic idea is that you have to craft different tools to be able to mine different things. In single player you do this and there are monsters and stuff of that nature and in multi player you do the same things but with other people. There are no objectives in this game other than to mine, craft and build. The game is in alpha still but it is gaining a huge following. The game costs about 14 dollars right now (its actually 9,95 euro). If you want to learn more go to
League of Legends
This is a form of tower defense game. LoL's, as it is abbreviated, main objective is to take your champion and try and destroy the other players towers and nexus. It's a very straight forward pvp type game. It's free-to-play
Warcraft III
Its warcraft, but if you don't know its an real time strategy game
This is a cool game. For a free-to-play it has very very good graphics. The game play is a mix between a mmo and street fighter. On the mouse left click is normal attack and right click is a hard attack and you can do combos based on the sequence of the button you press. It's a fun game actually but very repetitive. That's the draw back to it.
I've also been playing some console games as well, but I'm really trying to stay away from WoW.