Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Burnt Fingers and Star Wars Marathon

So yesterday I burnt three of my fingers trying to empty out my tea kettle...yeah real cool right? So that hurt a lot, but what can you do. So I have had to spend the past two days with burn cream/antibiotic ointment on my fingers and its really annoying. At least at night I get to wear gauze around them. And on top of that I haven't been feeling well these past two days.

So naturally I did what I always do when I am feeling sick. I watch Star Wars and as of right now I am on episode IV.

Just an update on my days.

Until next time...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Short Summer Break

So if you couldn't tell I took a short summer break from blogging. The reason was that there was a lot going on; between work, rearranging rooms and getting ready for classes I found myself strapped for time. But as of right now I am going to get back into the swing of things.

I have finally made up my mind as to what I want to do with my life. I am going to apply to law school for corporate law, and I will probably perform on the side. I feel very comfortable with this choice and with the idea of possibly going into the JAG corps afterwards. It gives me that sense of making a difference that I have been looking for.

In other news Katie is an RA this year at Syracuse University. I am very excited for her about this but tonight we ran into the first problem that I knew was going to happen. Just a few minutes ago we were talking on Skype when there was a knock on the door and I heard someone enter. Next thing I know she closes her computer and the call ends. I texed her to see what was up and I got the response "ra stuff". I know that this is going to happen so I am not too upset by it, I just realize that some nights our conversations will be cut short because of these types of things. Oh well, life still goes on I guess.

Also I am now on google + under the name Nick Picard...simple I know follow me or add me to your circles if you would like.

Until next time...

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Raid and family

So on Saturday I watched the world premier of The Raid. It was a documentary on the social aspects of raiding in World of Warcraft. Here are my thoughts on it.

I thought that it was very I informative, but it was geared towards people who have never played WoW. What they talked about was how people who raid are actually gathering just like people who gather to participate in other hobbies. They mentioned the good and bad aspects of the game such as; playing with your friends, the sense of a accomplishment you receive after defeating the last boss, even talking about the drawbacks of playing too much

What I found most interesting was that there were doctors and professors who saw the value of this type of gathering. They all said that this hobby was no different than other hobbies. What they did say was that because of the stereotypes who associate with "nerds" gamers aren't always completely comfortable with talking about the game in public. They said that it was unfortunate for the time being but they believed that eventually things like raiding will be very important to us.

If you want to watch the hour long documentary you can either watch it today on or wait for it to come to iTunes.

Also this weekend I have family over, to be specific my aunt and uncle from New Hampsire. On Saturday when they came we just hung around the house and watched tv and talked. Yesterday we went to the Civil War Museum at Gettysburg. That was the first time I had ever been in there, I had been to Gettysburg and around the battlefield before but never I to the museum. I found it to be really enjoyable. I will be posting pictures that I took yesterday on Facebook.

Until next time...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

So that didn't work

About posting everyday? Yeah didn't work out so well; I guess I'll just post when I have something to post about or I have a topic I would like to discuss. Like today, for example, I have something I would like to talk about.

It's a documentary called The Raid or maybe it's just called Raid I don't really know. From my understanding it's about a WoW raid, and that's all I really know about it. What I do know however, is that you can watch it tonight at 6 PM PST at I am going to write my thoughts about it tomorrow after I have watched it.

I also have family coming over for the weekend so I may or may not be posting about our activities as well.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reading Forums and Reading E-mails

I've noticed that when I get bored I tend to read the forums I am apart of over and over again. I wait to see if there is any new post that I can comment on, or if there is a topic I want to start. I do the same thing with e-mails, I check them over and over again. This can get pretty repetitive.

Usually what happens after this is I write a blog post or re-read some of my comics. This is a product of the former, as you could probably tell. So I apologize for the lack of information here, I am trying to get into the habit of doing this everyday. Which is all well and good, but we'll see what happens when I go back to college.

I figure that if I just talk eventually I'll have something crazy to talk about. Also if anyone has a topic you would like me to discuss just let me know by emailing me at or leave me a facebook comment.

Until next time...

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Month Means New Stuff

Happy August 1st everyone! You know what that means? Everyone is getting ready to head back to college and school. I am looking forward to that time when I can go to class everyday and have something to do. But that is not why I am here today, no I have something important to talk about.

First of all I hope everyone has been following what is going on with the new agreement in Congress about the debt situation. It appears that they finally have a decent idea on how to start to fix the deficit. Let's just hope that works because I don't want to sell all my stuff to the countries that we owe money too. The deal is looking for at least a 1 trillion dollar reduction in the deficit with a committee to find another 1.5 trillion. That would be huge, and it is going to be done through spending and tax reform and through cutting spending in the defense and non-defense budget. This is a huge step.

Secondly I am in the process of deciding what I am going to do with my life after college. Right now I have it narrowed down to two different things. Investment Banking or Business Law, either way I would be happy. Of course I am going to continue with music but it will most likely be in either a community setting or potentially in a professional sense.

Finally I have been thinking about the future and I have decided that when I get married and have kids I would like to become a coach for their team, whether it be: football, baseball, basketball or soccer. I would enjoy that a lot and I feel I would be good at it.

And with that I am done because I have to go clean the house now,

Until next time...