Wednesday, November 30, 2011

End of the Semester woes

Hello everyone, seeing how it is the end of the semester I figured I would update you on what is going on. I AM SUPER BUSY WITH GETTING READY FOR FINALS. And because of that I haven't had much time to really post anything on this blog. In the next couple of days however I will post a review on Star Wars: The Old Republic, now that the NDA has benn lifted I will be able to actually talk about the game(for the most part).

That being said in the next few weeks you may see some Facebook posts or tweets about how much I hate finals and think they are a waste of time. Just warning you all now.

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ooops it's been a month since the last post

Hey it's been about a month! Sorry, but it's getting to be that time of the year that requires more of my time. After all I am on retail so we are starting to get busy, also it's the middle of the semester. That plays a part of my busy schedule as well.

In other news I have started studying for my LSAT and GMAT tests, even though I won't be taking them until about Febuary. I want to get a head start so I will only have to take them once. They are very long and difficult tests.

So in the realm of video games and stuff of that nature. There are two games that are coming out pretty close to each other that I want and will most likely have to wait to get. They are Skyward Sword the new Legend of Zelda game and Skyrim. Thats about 120 bucks in the same month! Not cool game developers, I want your games but I cannot afford them.

Until next time...