Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Slight Change of Directions

In my time trying to write consistently on this blog, I have noticed that I do better when I write about a single focused topic. So I have decided that I am going to start writing about something that I enjoy very much, video games, in particular MMO's. It will be on a weekly basis most likely on Friday maybe Saturday; it will depend on my schedule.

Of course this blog will still be around for when I have random diatribes to write about. Such as weird legal stuff (if I get into law school), movies, music, business etc... but it will but about as in frequent as this and much less focused.

So stay tuned for the upcoming blog, the first post will be on Friday, and I'll let everyone know what the name of the blog will be as I have yet to think of the name. It will also be on, that seems to be the place to reach a bigger audience.

Until next time...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Life, the Universe and everything

Alright I'm back! I've been very busy with life and even forgot that I had this blog. But in any case it's time to start again. Today's topic will be on life, the Universe and everything. The answer is 42, if you wanted to know.

Unfortunately I need to go to work soon so you'll have to ponder the question for yourself. I will leave you with something to think about.

If you were to think of something that is so clear and distinct, so that your mind would exist without a body. Could you prove your own existence regardless of the fact that your body may not actually exist in the first place and that our mind has also been created elsewhere?