Saturday, October 30, 2010

Catching up

O.K. I know its been a long time since my last post...I've been busy with life. But I have been doing my research on the video game/ tech world so it wasn't a total loss. A couple of bookkeeping things first, I will try to post at least once every month at most every two weeks; at least during the school year. When I am on break it will be updated more. Also if anyone wants to ask any questions or wants me to rant about something just let me know by either posting a comment on the blog, contacting me via facebook or if you know my cell number just text me your question. Since I have been away for about a month here are some sentences for each thing that has happened in my busy time.

I love my girlfriend Katie.
I'm enjoying my job.
Halo 3: is still an amazing game.
Medal of Honor, haven't bothered to play campaign but I love the multiplayer; wish there were more maps thought.
Windows is making another attempt at the smart phone trend.
My classes are gong well.
My laptop stopped recognizing my internal hard drive, and one of the screws is stripped so I can't take it apart to reset it.
Force Unleashed 2 at least from the reviews appears to be a let down unless you are really into the GFFA
Not a fan of the Wii version of the Force Unleashed...controls too clunky
It's almost Halloween therefore I have started Christmas music.

That's the main stuff that has been going on. I'm actually really interested in the whole Microsoft smart phone thing; sounds pretty cool.

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