I am not a fan of this whole growing up idea that we all have to face when we hit a certain age. I enjoyed the times in summer when I never had to worry about finding a lot of work or being counted on to help out around the house. I want to go back to the days when summer vaction was truly a vacation. But, sadly we all must face the facts that at some point we all need to grow up.
It all statred for me when I hit the age of 21 and my parents and I sat down for a descussion about the future. Needless to say the main points were that I needed a full time job over the summer, if I could find one, and that I needed to act more like an adult. Both things I'm fine with, however I would just prefer not to think about such things. I'm sure everyone would agree to this simple fact, we all want to be kids again. Now I'm not saying that I am a full adult yet, quite the contrary I realize that I have a lot of learning still to do. All I am trying to do is make sense of it all.
As of right now I'm sitting in my basement of a new house that we just moved into (this is part of the reason for this thinknig), in the summer of my soon to bew senior year of college. The heavy fact that in about a year and a half I will be graduating college and potentoally heading out on my own. This srange feeling of slight dread is only accented by my wanting to just life. I want to fast-forward my life to the point where I already have a job and I have a family.
In any case I guess the point I am trying to make is that growing up sucks a lot but we all need to do it and we just have to live with that fact.
Of course in writting this at 1 am in the morning I realize that there is probabally some gramattical errors and unfinished ideas but I am going to leave it that way, for two reasons: first of all I am too tired to care really and secondly the mode of thinking that is occuring is the message that I'm trying to get across. I hope you will bear with it.
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