Friday, December 10, 2010

New Games

So I started playing a couple of new games to pass the time and as a way to stop playing was getting to be too much money for me. I still wanted to play some games but I wanted them to be free-to-play or at least buy once and done. The new games that I started to play are: Minecraft, League of Legends, Warcraft III, and finally Vindictus. I'll give a very brief overview of the games

For anyone who doesn't know what this game is, its pretty much a sandbox game. The basic idea is that you have to craft different tools to be able to mine different things. In single player you do this and there are monsters and stuff of that nature and in multi player you do the same things but with other people. There are no objectives in this game other than to mine, craft and build. The game is in alpha still but it is gaining a huge following. The game costs about 14 dollars right now (its actually 9,95 euro). If you want to learn more go to

League of Legends
This is a form of tower defense game. LoL's, as it is abbreviated, main objective is to take your champion and try and destroy the other players towers and nexus. It's a very straight forward pvp type game. It's free-to-play

Warcraft III
Its warcraft, but if you don't know its an real time strategy game

This is a cool game. For a free-to-play it has very very good graphics. The game play is a mix between a mmo and street fighter. On the mouse left click is normal attack and right click is a hard attack and you can do combos based on the sequence of the button you press. It's a fun game actually but very repetitive. That's the draw back to it.

I've also been playing some console games as well, but I'm really trying to stay away from WoW.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rant about Halloween

O.K. I have a new least favorite used to be Valentine's Day (Cooperate Holiday imo) now it's Halloween.

The reasons for me started in high school and have run over into college as well.I have three major complaints about this holiday.

1. We are told old to be dressing up.
Alright don't you think that it's a little creepy for 17-22 year-old to be dressing up and either going  around asking for free candy or going to a party? I do...a lot actually especially with some of the costumes people wear. THERE ARE CHILDREN OUT keep it clean. It's not cool for a guy to be a priest with an erection or anything of that nature and lady's cover up please.

2. Just because it's a holiday doesn't mean that there is no decency.
I don't care really if you want to dress up but if you do just keep it at an appropriate level. Why do ALL women's costumes have these two words that make me very mad; "Sexy" and "Little". Let's start with the first, why do you need to dress up in a sexy outfit that pretty much tells guys "Hey look at how little I'm wearing and that it's OK for you to look and ask me really inappropriate things about my private life". You are just asking for trouble and possible harm to yourself. I HATE that everything has to be little, that's just reinforcing the notion that if you aren't perfect or small that you aren't good enough. Trust me you are fine. All that the costume companies care about it your money and they know that if you look sexy you'll feel better about yourself so they make these costumes that say little and show pretty much everything and then you as a consumer are supposed to feel good about yourself? All because of a change of clothes for a night? Then people start to worry about their weight and that causes all other sorts of problems. If that is a ll a guy cares about leave him without any thought.

3.Why must you party on Halloween?
There are kids out that night and they have a tendency to be really excited and run onto a street with out looking for cars and if your out partying and not paying attention to whats going on someone is going to get hurt. If you are going to party do it in walking distance of your place of stay and please for the sake of children don't be drunk in front of them...if you re you're an idiot. Be a freaking role model.

There deal with it

Force Powers

Today while I was sitting in my philosophy class someone asked me what I was listening too, it was before the class started, and I answered "Star Wars", he said that was cool and asked if I had played Force Unleashed 2 yet. I told him that I hadn't yet and then his next statement prompted a discussion that continued as the professor entered the room and eventually joined in.

"I think the force powers are a little unrealistic."

Here was his main point, that in the video game Starkiller seemed a little too powerful and that there are no real instances other than the games of such power in the Star Wars Universe. He did however, mention that the EU expanded on some of the Jedi powers through the adventures of Luke and his family. I began to explain a few of the theories I have one why this is one of the only instances of such power.

My main objection to his argument is that George Lucas never stated that the force was a meek and tame thing. The most telling evidence that the force is very powerful is from the line by Darth Vader in episode 4 "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force." That is a very strong statement, could the force be used to do more damage than the Death Star? Quite possibly, but it has never been documented to my knowledge.

In thinking about this I realized that it could be a very very powerful and destructive thing. Yoda says that the force binds everything together and that size does not matter and that for example that moving the X-Wing is no different from moving the rock. If that is the case then wouldn't someone be able to cause enormous things to be destroyed?

To this he replied "Isn't Yoda more powerful than the Emperor? Why did he not use those powers to defeat him?" My reason was that the Jedi only use the force for defensive purposes never as a way to attack like the Sith do. I also said that the Jedi are taught to use self control and would never use the force to harm someone where the Dark Side is all about using your emotions and power for personal gain. So Yoda even though he could have easily defeated the Emperor he chose to do it in the fashion of the Jedi Order as to not go against all he trained for...also that it wasn't his destiny to bring balance to the force by riding of the emperor (I have thoughts about the balance of the force but that is for another time).

Then we had to start class.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Catching up

O.K. I know its been a long time since my last post...I've been busy with life. But I have been doing my research on the video game/ tech world so it wasn't a total loss. A couple of bookkeeping things first, I will try to post at least once every month at most every two weeks; at least during the school year. When I am on break it will be updated more. Also if anyone wants to ask any questions or wants me to rant about something just let me know by either posting a comment on the blog, contacting me via facebook or if you know my cell number just text me your question. Since I have been away for about a month here are some sentences for each thing that has happened in my busy time.

I love my girlfriend Katie.
I'm enjoying my job.
Halo 3: is still an amazing game.
Medal of Honor, haven't bothered to play campaign but I love the multiplayer; wish there were more maps thought.
Windows is making another attempt at the smart phone trend.
My classes are gong well.
My laptop stopped recognizing my internal hard drive, and one of the screws is stripped so I can't take it apart to reset it.
Force Unleashed 2 at least from the reviews appears to be a let down unless you are really into the GFFA
Not a fan of the Wii version of the Force Unleashed...controls too clunky
It's almost Halloween therefore I have started Christmas music.

That's the main stuff that has been going on. I'm actually really interested in the whole Microsoft smart phone thing; sounds pretty cool.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Belated Postings and Going Ons

Hey sorry guys for not posting in a while. I started college about a week ago and its a little crazy right now. Its a tough being in a new major and in a new school, but hey it all comes down to your five year plan right? Anyway I've just been working a lot and doing my work for my classes, and to be honest I haven't really had anything to write about until now.

On the 17th there is something exciting going on, well actually two things but one is more important to me. The more important one is that I'm going to visit Katie at Syracuse!! I am very excited about that I haven't seen her in almost two months and that's too long for me. The second thing is that the third season of The Clone Wars starts which looks to be a promising season.

So that's all I have right for now. I'll try to be pretty regular about posting.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tips for Regaining Lost Skill

So yesterday I was playing a few rounds of Modern Warfare 2 and I found myself to be steadily decreasing in kills and steadily increasing in deaths...this fact upset me. I have put a decent amount of time into playing the game. I started to wonder if I had played the game so much that I got stuck in a rut of a particular gaming style. I figured that I was doing really well by using certain weapons and strategies that I was continuing to use them. Once I thought about it more I realized that I had failed to transition to new strategies, this was disheartening considering that Black Ops is coming out in the near future. And as I thought about it more I actually found myself playing a lot of Halo 3 which is totally different style of game play and different controls as well.

These two things are a main cause of a gamer losing his/her skill, failing to adapt to new strategies and playing the game less. So don't worry about it, if you want to get your skill back ad start pwning noobs again here are a few tips for you

1. Practice-Play the game you want to be good at a lot. Nothing works more than practice. Its the same as if you want to be good at a musical instrument; but remember to play in moderation

2. Watch for the trends from other players. Look at the players that are tearing up the leader charts what are they doing well, what are they avoiding. Things like that, but don't copy make the playing style your own, its like avoiding plagiarism lol

3. Don't use noob combos. You can use the noob tube (players on MW2 know what this is) or the plasma pistol/anything combo. Even though this will get you a lot of kills it won't really improve your overall skill. Practice persicion, it goes a long way.

4. Don't get to upset with yourself. Being upset typicall makes you play worse. If you notice that your getting mad at the game becuase your not doing well. STOP PLAYING THE GAME for a little bit...and please no rage quitting.

I hope that you can use these tips to get yourself back to your gaming glory. SIDE NOTE: These work with games from the past as well.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Katie and I

So Katie is a little bit of a nerd, which is one of the reasons why I love her. Recently she has been on a kick of playing Pokemon Heart Gold, and she'll tell me about it over the phone while I'm talking to her. I always laugh because she says she's a secret nerd and I find that cute. But there is one game the we bond over and that is the series Assassin's Creed; which I might add is an awesome set of games. What she really likes about the game is the cool surroundings, the storyline and the historical figures. I enjoy that stuff too but I really like the combat system as well. Nothing like assassinating a guard by jumping off a roof top to make you feel good about yourself.

The one game that she hates though is World of Warcraft specifically when she has called me up and I'm in the middle of an instance or a raid...I don't blame her though because, I was pretty concentrated on those when I played. But other than that I don't know of any other games that she hates. She does want to learn how to play Halo, which I think is cool. It's always a good time teaching someone a video game. I love my secret nerd.

New Games I'm Excited About

There are plenty of new games coming out this year. Some of the ones I'm looking forward to are Halo Reach which comes out on 9/14/10, Call of Duty: Black Ops which comes out on 11/9/10, the new Medal of Honor which comes out in October and finally Assassin's Creed 2: Brotherhood which comes out in November. The reason I'm excited for Halo Reach is obvious...its the new halo game. The game is set before the events of Halo: Combat Evolved (which is the first halo game btw). It seems like its a cool game heres a clip

Now you might say Medal of Honor? I know these games aren't always the best but this on looks pretty cool for one reason, the online ranking system. From what I have heard the better you are the bigger your beard gets...that's pretty much the coolest thing I have ever heard in a video game. As for Call of Duty: Black Ops I'm getting it purely for the online aspect of it and Assassin's Creed 2: Brotherhood looks like its going to be fun and challenging so I'm excited about that as well

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Complaint with MMOs

Truth be told I am a fan of MMOs, I did, at one point, play  World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online. But I stopped because of the amount of childish people on the servers.
Lets examine World of Warcraft...Its a fun game, going around and killing bad guys and noobs. Leveling is fun too, but the games loses its fun quality when you hit the level cap. Then all you do is sit in trade chat spamming "LFG ICC 10/25 MAN" only to get invited into a group and kicked because some guy who created an add-on decided that your gear score is too low or he doesn't like your race (yes this has happened to me before, I was a Blood Elf mage at the time) I can understand the value of having good armor and all that jazz but what I don't get is that people ask for these crazy specs and gear scores for like the beginning level raids.

So I was like "Ok, I guess I have to find some people with the same problem and create a group" the problem with that is that no one wants to seem like they're a you get stuck emblem farming to get ok gear and when you finally start to raid the game developers decide to add a new raid or nerf your you get stuck in an endless painful spiral of spamming and farming then fall into a crazed state of gaming. So to combat this the developers make the game easier which in turn makes all the old salty dogs of the MMO world angry. They start to make it almost impossible to do anything because the requirements the set up are so crazy that only the handful of people who care enough to play the game for 12 hrs at a time can fulfill them.

This is the problem in my mind about MMOs and I know people will say "Then don't play the game bro! You don't have to hate on this game. >.<!!" My response to that is STOP BEING A NOOB play the game with an intent for fun and stop trying to make yourself look cool over the Internet...its only a video game.