Friday, September 28, 2012

New Format and Stuff

Today I would like to talk about a new format that I will most likely use for the foreseeable future. There are many reasons to proceed the way I am going, one is that it will take less time and two, my thoughts will be a little more concise. What I am talking about is a v-log or video log.

Now you might be wondering to yourself, why do a v-log? The answer is simple...its easier than writing a blog and I am pressed for time. Also I won't need to do one every single day...or at least feel like I do. But I will probably embed the video onto this blog as well as put it on my YouTube channel.

You will start to see them appear next week (if I find the time to do it) and it will be awesome (not really but it will be more fun for me which is the reason I do this).

I will try to be interesting and funny but I'm doing it more for my enjoyment than trying to get followers so it'll be on anything really. That being said I will still post a true blog post every once-and-awhile, those will be something that require more formality.

So look out for those in the future and until next time...

P.S. I may do some commentary while playing a game. I may have to upgrade my system to pull that off better though.

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